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Carbon Emission & India Impact
10 Facts About India Climate Change
Eco Facts - We Must Know This


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Why Energy Conservation ?
Shortest answer Is : Because YOU can!

The ENERGY Conservation concept should apply NOT ONLY for MONEY SAVING. In fact on this subject much broader vision is required to develop for understanding the answer of WHY ENERGY CONSERVATION?

The most Important Mantra is Energy LIFE. Resource of Energy generation are very limited as compare to its usage. Gap between demand and supply is widening every moment, the day will come even by paying double or triple amount for buying power, we may not get power for our day to day need.

The Generation of Energy (Electricity in this particular issue we are referring) is emitting plenty of CO2 Carbon Dioxide. Each one of us speeding 5.6Ton CO2 annually on earth. This CO2 is making our life miserable, even worst. Causing unimaginable both the health and wealth related problems on earth. It will also pollute entire planet. For reducing CO2 emission we must use the electricity more efficiently.

Due to CO2 Emission climate on Global is changing and for that we are facing serious threat of Global Warming.

Due to inefficient usage of electricity our environment is under crisis, this will cause disaster to the extent of worst for the world and entire live hood. Across the Global, thousands of scientists are seriously working on this and they have issued repeated warning across the globe that “before the century is over billions of live-hood will die” due to environment crisis. So we must conserve the Energy for at least reducing the impact of this disaster.

The impact of climate change in India (Environment crisis) is worst amongst rest of world. Impacts are already commenced. The country is facing erratic monsoon patterns, more floods and droughts and steadily shrinking Himalayan glaciers, severe food crisis, fresh water’s acute shortage and rising sea level will jeopardize our entire developments. According to World Bank Report India’s Carbon Dioxide emission increased by 88% since 1990.

In India, scenario on electricity front is dark. Till the date approx. 57% of rural household and 12% urban household did not have the across electricity! India has 16% Population of world. Demand of electricity increasing @ 3% p .a. against increasing of capacity of generation @ 1%. India’s population growth is 1.7% which is expected to touch 1.9 billion by 2010 and 1.41billion by 2020. Now if still we will not start saving (Conserving) ENERGY, where we will end up? Do we have any alternate for electricity today?

Over and above, there are hundreds of highly authentic reasons which highlights the fact that the conservation is must and like compulsory for each one of us. More detailed and very interesting information on this subject is provided on our Website.

The cost of electricity is soaring and will shoot up, which shall also have serious economical impact. The speed at which we are paying exorbitant electricity costs each day, time will come when our business will not able to afford these electricity cost and it become unviable to run the show. But… at that point of time we may have very little options left.

Today, though we are late, but we are lucky that still options are available. We can save electricity by using it more efficiently, blocking the wastage. Without compromising our need of illumination and operations we can save and that too at very low investment and much faster payback duration. So where are the reasons and wisdom for NOT starting the Energy Conservation from Right now!

Global ENERGY Scenario :

The European Renewable Energy Council (EREC) and Greenpeace International have produced this global energy scenario as a practical blueprint for how to urgently meet CO2 reduction targets and secure affordable energy supply on the basis of steady worldwide economic development. Both these important aims are possible at the same time. The urgent need for change in the energy sector means that the scenario is based only on proven and sustainable technologies. The result is that under the Energy [R] evolution scenario, worldwide final energy demand can be reduced by 47% in 2050.

Take some Global Cues :

The good news is that first Renewable energy, combined with the smart & efficient use of energy, can deliver half of the world’s energy needs by 2050.This new report, ‘Energy [R] evolution: A sustainable World Energy Outlook’, shows that it is economically feasible to cut global CO2 emissions by almost 50% within the next 43 years. It also concludes that a massive uptake of and efficient use of energy sources is technically possible. All that is missing is the right policy support.

The bad news is that time is running out. An overwhelming consensus of scientific opinion now agrees that climate change is happening, is caused in large part by human activities (such as burning fossil fuels), and if left un-checked, will have disastrous consequences. Furthermore, there is solid scientific evidence that we should act now. This is reflected in the conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a UN institution of more than 1,000 scientists providing advice to policy makers.
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